Hi, I am a man and I am human!
I hurt, I bleed, I cry, I die
I am not immune to pain or sorrow or sadness or hurt
I am a man and I am tired!
I am tired of being strong, of holding on, of keeping my head high!
I am tired of keeping shut, of dying in pains, of swallowing my thoughts.
I am a man and I am burdened!
I am burdened with so many responsibilities, some of which are not even my business
I am burdened with so many thoughts, some of which are not even personal
I think of how to better my life, oh, but not for me!
I think of how to better my life, but for those who depend on me
I think of how to better my life, just for the betterment of everyone around me.
I am a man and I get harassed too!
I meet with her and she makes unsolicited moves
She touches me inappropriately and I am quiet
She abuses me physically and emotionally and I am still quiet
I am quiet because I am a man and no one will believe me
I am a man and I want what I want!
I want to be able to say my thoughts out loud
I want to not be judged when I cry in public
I want to be “irresponsible” even for once in my life
I want to live for me and not for any other
I want to say my truth and not be mocked
I want to be weak and vulnerable too
I am a man and I want to be human just like everyone else.